In 2021-2022, The Schad Foundation generously provided a $55,000 donation on behalf of schools to Indigenous-led conservation efforts. Our 2022-2023 campaign focused on Human Rights and is described below. If you are an organization or individual interested in funding bookwalks for schools in your community, we'd love to hear from you!

Good With Words theme in 2022-23: Human Rights.

Today, over 100 million people have been forced to flee their homes. That is the highest number to date. Of that figure, over 27 million have fled their country because of conflict, violence or human rights violations and 53 million are displaced in their own countries, including those in Ukraine. 

We hope schools hosting these book walks will engage in meaningful social action to raise awareness and take steps to drive change. We partnered with other organizations to help enrich the learning experiences and embedded social justice activities. We are grateful for the contributions and assistance from the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 and Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.