Count On Me book cover

Count On Me

Written and illustrated by Miguel Tanco, this story challenges the gender-stereotype about girls and math. Everyone has a passion. For some, it's music. For others, it's art. For our heroine, it's math. When she looks around the world, she sees math in all the beautiful things: the concentric circles a stone makes in a lake, the curve of a slide, the geometric shapes in the playground. Others don't understand her passion, but she doesn't mind. There are infinite ways to see the world. And through math is one of them. Learn about fractals, basic polygons, concentric circles, solid figures, types of curves, types of trajectories, kinds of sets and that math is more than just adding numbers together.

Ideal for:
National STEAM Day November 8, International Day of the Girl October 11, 2025
Pi Day/International Day of Mathematics March 14.

Count on Me. Text © 2019 Miguel Tanco Illustrations © 2021 Miguel Tanco. Reproduced by permission of Tundra Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House Canada Young Readers, a Penguin Random House Company, Toronto.

If readers aren’t math-curious at the start, they will be by the end.

Kirkus Reviews

Book Creators

Miguel Tanco

Miguel Tanco portrait

Award-winning artist Miguel Tanco is a children's book author and illustrator. He teaches illustration and organizes creative workshops for kids in Spain, where he was born and raised, and in Italy. He has published over forty children's books including Count On Me; Great DogYou and Me, Me and YouLes Farfelus; and The Story of Cyrano de Bergerac.